Saturday, August 30, 2008

Something for the heck of it....

Sorry for the strange posts...
but you have to try to fix stuff -eventually.
so hum...

Ok, since this is my photo blog. If you've read "the shack" by Young, he mentions a fractal garden.
Ever seen a fractal??
Fractals [that I like but did not create]:
the above one I call "Twisted rainbow".
ebay website

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Cabin [a tour of sorts] -pt 1

So, this is the cabin...

The part on the left was added much later [as was running water].

This is where we were when I took the fireside photos....

Table for 16? Yes, it is "custom". Though I'm not sure if Uncle John Williams made it or Uncle John Noll made it. I think it's a counter top for in a kitchen, a "leftover", with legs mounted on it. You can tell I'm staying there: Camera -check, cd's -check, med's bag -check, munchies -check... Huston we're go for launch...

The cabinet doors were siding from a barn...

Ahh, yes... "the Noll sense of humor"....

I'll give more of the "road in" & the other rooms later. It's been a crazy day for me, my eyes are bad [allergies/ helping the cable guys set up my modem -I'm no longer wireless as of Fri.]. So I think I'll give them a rest...

The hail storm [...or I'm dreaming of a white birthday]

Hard to believe this was in August. I always joked with my mom, I'm dreaming of a white birthday. [since my b-day is in April... I've been dreaming for a while. Yes, I'm one of the sicko's who love snow. Too much of it? -there is no such thing. 12 feet? -bring it! ...well, ok, you can wait till Oct. or Nov. but, seriously, can I have some, please?] Snow makes me think of how artistic God is. Only He can change an entire landscape... by adding only one color.
...more pic. later...