Monday, April 27, 2009

A Saturday Hike...

...ok, this is kind of a quick post. I have resumed these "labyrinth like" walks again. A chance to connect with my maker. Parks [as I've mentioned previously] seem to "amplify" His voice. Or perhaps they work a wonderful saying into action in my life. [This being the saying]

Take time for quiet moments, for God whispers,

And the world is loud. –Anonymous
To explain a bit about LW's Labyrinth, A Sacred Space. It is an action you take to pull yourself out of the ordinary routine of life. To slow down & listen. To allow God to move you, speak to you, comfort you. It is intimate time with Yahweh. That's the best I can do to describe it. For me it began with God as counselor. Keeping me alive, even though I was begging Him to let me die. It was a "year of subtraction". Lost friends, close friends. Dreams that evaporated right before my very eyes. My poem writing a park, hiding from the world, trying to understand why God would allow this. Trying to understand [as P. Steve spoke of this just yesterday] how God can say He works all things for good... when what I see seems so unredeemably bad & dark. But writing... [& now unfolding into photography] I am able to better let go, stop resisting, & let God redeem things that I cannot see good coming out of. It is sad that art is often born out of brokeness. A self-harm video I once saw, had a male voice screaming as it slowly went from utter darkness into light "art is war". For me, this is mostly truer of my poems.
Well... this has been "more wordy" than planned.... I should go for now. [I'll check with my friend deAnn & see about posting pictures from our latest Labyrinth...]

Sunday, April 26, 2009

well... it's my birthday too, yeah is my birthday....
will you do something for me today? -consider it a gift to me that you do this.
Even though you may feel silly, or awkward doing it, please do it for me.
Ready? it is:

today I want you to go look at yourself in the mirror
[preferably a full length one.... really look at yourself -for like 3 minutes]
oh... & this part is for the girls mostly,
don't just look at what's "too big or too small"
don't listen to the voices
that say your nothing at all
& realize.....
you are priceless.
you are a gift. you are a work of art, masterfully carved by The Artist.


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Return to Lake Williams

Well... I've been basking in some compliments of my photographs & writing lately. [I feel extremely guilty for saying that, but it gives encouragement to be told that people like what you enjoy doing] I like the frost here. All the frost shots I have are these "straight line ice" formations or "thorny ice" like in a previous post.

These photos are from the weeks ago trip still. Here, as in other shots, I love the shadows.

Now that the Labyrinth Sacred Space is over I'll be putting up photos I got to "sneak in & take", from early yesterday morning. First time using a tripod. So not all of them are as good as I'd like. I was very nervous doing this, too. But I'll post more on that on my other blog.
I'm thinking of seeing if our photo group could go through the Labyrinth next year [perhaps on a Sun. morning -when it's closed] & take photos of it. Assuming, of course, that it will be similar to the layout this year.

I just liked the oddness of the reflections here...

...and these are the geese, I previously mentioned.
Well, I'm going to end here for now. Tomorrow I get to find out if I'm going to have another round of surgery. [other side of my nose this time]